From idea to real


The identity of the our brand has developed through the years while, at the same time, it remained deeply grounded to its roots. A strong innovative approach mixes with the Italian signature of the origins to create an unmistakable style. Two things that make up the Company’s core values.

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As widely expected, Hackitt has declined to proscribe the use of flammable materials in cladding systems, despite widespread calls for her to do so. Her report instead says it is for the construction industry.


We use best equipment

As widely expected, Hackitt has declined to proscribe the use of flammable materials in cladding systems, despite widespread calls for her to do so. Her report instead says it is for the construction industry.

DURST Printing
ROLAND UV printing
Laser χάραξη
EPSON Large printing

Our Team

As widely expected, Hackitt has declined to proscribe the use of flammable materials in cladding systems, despite widespread calls for her to do so. Her report instead says it is for the construction industry.

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